Lily Park Plant Identification
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African Iris -- Dietes bicolor
Wild Coffee -- Psychotria Nervosa
Schefflera Arboricola - Sassy the hungry caterpillar
Agapanthus orientalis --Lily of the Nile
Argeratum -- Seaside Ageratum houstonianum
Black Eyed Susans -- Rudbeckia
Vitex agnus castus Chaste tree
Blue Daze - Evolvulus glomeratus
Tickweed Coreopsis
Blue Iris - Iris x germanica
Coontie - Zamia floridana
Trumpet Coral Honeysuckle
Helianthus debilis -Beach Sunflower
Jatropha integgerima - Jatropha
Tripsacum floridanum - Fakahatchee Grass
Hamelia patens - Firebush
Solidago stricta - Goldenrod
Porterweed - Stachytarpheta jamaicensis
Gomphrena Globosa Purple Trufella
Passiflora incarnate -- Purple Passion Flower
Stylosanthes biflora - Sidebeak Pencil Flower
Pentas lanceolata - Pentas
Ornamental Sweet Potato Vine - Ipomoea batatas
Hibiscus rosa-sinesis 'fireball'
Silphium Sateriscus – Starry Rosinweed
Heliotropium Angiospermum -- Scorpion Tail
Simpson Showstopper - Myrcianthes fragrans
Hymenocallis Latifolia -- Spider Lily
Platycerium spp. – Stag Horn Fern
Galphimia Glauca -- Thryallis Rain of Gold
Mimosa Strigillosa - sunshine mimosa or powderpuff mimosa
Salvia coccinea - tropical scarlet salvia
Verbena speciosa- imagination
Tropical Milkweed - Asclepias curassavica
Annoa Glabra -- Pond Apple
Ilex opaca - American holly
Tababuia Tree -- Handroanthus heptaphyllus; also called pink trumpet tree
Melaleuca viminalis - Weeping Bottlebrush
Quercus Virginiana - southern live oak
West Indies Mahogany - Swietenia Mahagoni
Magnolia grandiflora - southern magnolia